Pricing Plans


Babies 12 - 19 month old$1000Full Time
Babies 12 - 19 month old$800Part Time
Babies 12 - 19 month old$50/daily


Toddler 20 - 36 month old$950Full Time
Toddler 20 - 36 month old$750Part Time
Toddler 20 - 36 month old$50/daily


Preschool 3 - 4.5 Years old$850Full Time
Preschool 3 - 4.5 Years old$650Part Time
Preschool 3 - 4.5 Years old$50/daily


Kinder 5 - 6 Years old$800Full Time
Kinder 5 - 6 Years old$600Part Time
Kinder 5 - 6 Years old$50/daily


OSC 6 - 12 Years old$600Full Time
OSC 6 - 12 Years old$450Part Time
OSC 6 - 12 Years old$50/Daily

Pricing Info

Registration Fee : $50.00 per year **(ALL PRICES MENTIONED BELOW ARE SHOWN W/O CHILDCARE SUBSIDY & if you are eligible the parent portion will be less.Please refer to  Alberta Childcare subsidy to determine your eligibility for subsidy)

Right Click on the link to apply for subsidy

Be guided by our Child Care rates according to your child’s age and the fees charged per hour, week, or month, whichever your payment preference would be.

NOTE: We provide  two (2) snacks and hot lunches for the children with the payment of the above fee and Outdoor Playground and Community Park . The menu follows Canada’s Food Guide Standards.

Our Approach
